Our Church
Riverside seeks to be a church where the Bible is preached clearly and relevantly, and there's one very simple reason, we want to know and enjoy God more and more.
Nothing could be better than enjoying a relationship with the God who made the universe and everything in it. Riverside is simply a group of people who believe that Jesus Christ has made that possible.
We are a family church ranging from small children to those who want to keep their age a secret! Most live locally but some travel from Co Armagh & Down. We’d enjoy having you visit with us.
The origins of Riverside stretch back more than 100 years in Newry. However, we are not a church living in the past. We live to glorify God today. Below are some of our distinctives.
A Christian Church
Many people feel that the days have gone when Christians could claim that Christ is the only Saviour. We respect people of other faiths and have no desire to force our beliefs upon them. However, we are convinced that in Jesus Christ, God uniquely became a man, died on the cross for the forgiveness and salvation of all those who will believe in him, and rose from the dead, assuring people of eternal life. Therefore we are not ashamed to call people from every nation to worship only Christ.

A Reformed Church
We are convinced that, as the word of God, the Bible is the only reliable guide to help us to understand God and his purpose for us. The church is therefore committed to learning from the Christian Scriptures and applying what we learn to our lives.
A Presbyterian Church
We are called Presbyterian because of our form of Church government. In each congregation we are ruled by a number of Elders. Also to be Presbyterian is to be linked with other churches so that we are kept accountable.